You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2010.

Am working on replacing my laptop that was stolen at the beginning of July. Meanwhile have had to move (twice), but now have regular internet access which will allow me to respond in a more timely manner.

To order patterns:

1) Email me at “” with a list of patterns you’d like.
2) I will then send you a PayPal invoice which can be paid with a credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account; or, if you only want one pattern, send a PayPal payment… I will be checking my email frequently and will send the pattern as an email attachment as soon as I see that the payment for it has been received.

This past summer has been one of significant transition, the details of which I will describe in greater detail in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, look forward to the additional versions of the Manifold Cardigans that I knitted since the first three.



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