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Hi All,

Hoping everyone gets nice gifts of yarn/thread! ;-)

Meanwhile, will see if I can finish a triangular version of Strahlenkelchblume (best translation of the name I can find is “Gleaming Calyx” but am not sure).

Below is an example photo of what inspires the attempt.


For Purchase info, Click Here. And don’t forget to use the Add to Cart button to receive the 40% discount.

Happy Holidays!



After recharting White Wisteria, was “talked into” recharting Goldregen, by a person who had the original charts but was somewhat put off by the German instruction text. That is, after the initial rounds, the instructions involve working the entire chart line or most of it, and then repeating only certain sections, some of which were not consecutive. In the rechart, the going back and forth has been mostly eliminated to the extent that the only going back and forth is when long stitch groups are repeated consecutively.

For purchase info Click Here. Also, don’t forget to use the Add To Cart button to receive the 40% discount.


The above pattern is simpler than Niebling’s circular Goldregen (which name he also used for a rectangular design). However, this variation perhaps has more possibilities for easy adaptations, as can be seen below with the results of my playing around in Photoshop:


Mohair yarn with Size 6 to 8 needles would perhaps make a nice small shawl… the Round Number at which to stop will be provided in an update to this post.


A doily beret comes to mind with the above motif, extending the leaves onto the brim might be interesting, say for a slouchy beret…


Finally, the above would look nice as either a window or wall hanging…

Happy Holidays To All!

P.S.: In order to receive the Discount don’t forget to use the Add To Cart button!

Also, for White Wisteria purchase info Click Here.


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