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Doily From Lavori Artistici A Calza Nr. 5 - Figure 29

Due to shape of the cloth pictured in Lavori 5-29 (above – as knitted by Joan Posner), I did not realize that it is exactly the same pattern as Vobachs 401-34 (original photo below):

I thus proceeded to rechart the Vobachs in order to convert the pattern to a coat as with the Lyra. To that end, I first recharted it as a semicircle in order to get a gauge for the coat; and am now test knitting it because it contains an unobvious arrangement of decreases along some of the edges, and will be posted in about a week or less. In addition, the rechart displays chart lines that have one to three sections on one page instead of across two pages as in the Lavori 5. Meanwhile, anyone wants to make the circular version as shown below using the Lavori 5-29, work the sections between extra bold lines twice on every repeat. For Purchase Info of the Lavori 5-29 pattern Click Here.

Knitted by Jane Hong
Edit of Jane Hong’s Photo


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