You are currently browsing the monthly archive for June 2012.

UPDATE (7/23/12): More Photos of second Sternblatt Top Added Below First

Some of you may have noticed the original photo of this pattern in one or both of the magazines listed in the text within the above photo. Have admired it for years, but was never able to locate it, and suspected that I would have to reconstruct it, and with trepidation finally did. It is one of those examples of how difficult it can be to capture something simple. While reconstructing it, I completely forgot about the center of Marianne Kinzel’s "Springtime" and the pattern on the back of the "Dahlia Cardigan". Instead, I used other Nieblings, one from a Mez pattern, another from the cover of a Mallins publication.

Also, despite the similarities to other patterns, the arches around the flowers add a nice touch, and the pattern is very versatile for adapting to other items such as shown in the photo below, and in upcoming posts.

Will fiddle with the above photos over the next day or so, and add more in the coming weeks. I have to redo the edges on the one in the photo; bury the ends on a second sweater, start a third, and then make a purse.

This second one is done in silk ribbon which ended up a bit stiff, but does soften with wear. (The beige Manifold Cardigan is done in the same yarn.) Also, am horrible about blocking: I hung the top from a brass pole lodged between two doors. Obviously, I didn’t bother to try to straighten the bottom hem; figured it would straighten itself out with wear, or will spray it with water when I figure out how to keep it spread out while hanging. Finally, the armholes were made smaller, and there are splits on the side. Have a human model lined up for more pictures…

Betty makes a great model, though’s she’ll soon be off to school to major in graphic design.

Will also need help sizing the sweaters and am taking volunteer test knitters (email me at

Finally, below is a closeup photo of all three of the doilies knitted by Franciska Ruessink using my reconstructed instructions.

Purchase info for the pattern can be found by clicking here.


Decided to “extend” the sale… somewhat.  The discount will also be applied to upcoming new items when  added to the shopping cart along with two others.



Got such a good response (Thanks!), I decided to extend the sale to cover this weekend. After that it’s back to regular prices. Remember, to receive the discount: do NOT use the "Buy It Now" button; instead use the "Add To Cart" button, even if it’s for just one item.



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