You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2011.



Today I added Silberaster, and will try to add more Meyers patterns later today.

Meanwhile, even I haven’t listed to the podcast of last May 8th, but for those who missed it, here is the link:

Math4Knitters – CraftyLiving Show 71

Also, am still playing with the Glockenblume baby blanket. Will probably rip it out, for two reasons: 1) I did it in the hope that I’d get a picture of what would happen if you worked “knit 1, purl 1” in the double yarn overs; my rechart advises another technique — for very good reason it turns out; and 2) I wanted to experiment with using two colors and perhaps adding a border. The second reason again demonstrates why I avoid color knitting — I think it looks better with the colors reversed. The yarn used is “scrap” yarn, so I may just leave it…. but stay tuned…


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