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This is how A-D-D works sometimes: Was recharting Reseda and noticed some the smaller doilies in Mallins Handarbeitslehrbuch 404. They’re not suitable for baby blankets because they have large holes around the center (not good for little fingers to get stuck in). So then I thought earrings on Size 000000 needles and Size 80 thread, to which you might respond, “Yeah, right”. Then I noticed Leberblumchen and so all the small holey doilies have turned into holiday decorations! So am starting with a Leberblumchen because it can be used as a holiday wreath, and the smaller ones in the coming weeks, in part because a tablecloth keeps trying to sneak in among the tree ornaments; perhaps it can become a tree skirt…

Back to Leberblumchen: Besides being a neglected Niebling, I’ve always adored this pattern despite that it is not necessarily typical of Niebling’s style, but it is, to me at least, iconic of knitted lace doilies, perhaps because of the sort of Shetland elements… In addition, THIS DOILY BEGS TO BE PAINTED!!! I don’t even want to try (not even in Photoshop) because I would never settle on which combination of gold and red and green to use. You however are strongly encouraged to experiment and send pics; I’ll just stick with knitting it once more but in gold yarn.

The doily shown in the slideshow above contains two minor variations from the original instructions; On Rounds 5 and 7, the “yo and on next round work knit 1, purl 1” was instead worked as yo twice (the symbol in the original chart and in my rechart is a circle enclosing the numeral 2). The substitution was done unintentionally (was rushing after one false start in silk and hemp yarn that turned out to be too uneven) but the result looks nicer (to me at least) than the original instructions because the lace is more open. Finally, someone on Ravelry knitted this pattern and made notes about possible errors. However, I could not find any errors in either of the original charts that I found, and the stitch counts check out.

For purchase info Click Here.

Dutch Niebling II - Original Photo

This pattern is from an unknown publication written out in Dutch, which made recharting it even more fun… ;-)

Though not very visible in the above photo, the pattern requires working several “nupps”. The nupps are worked as follows:

“In same stitch: (Knit 1, purl 1) twice, knit 1;
on next round slip 3 together knitwise, knit 2 together,
pass 3 slipped stitches over.”

Number of Rounds: 201
Dimension: Approx. 49″ (1.25 m) square
Materials Required: 350 g Rayon crochet thread, knitting needles US Size 1 (2.25 mm)

Price: USD 8.00

For purchase page/info Click Here.


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