You are currently browsing the monthly archive for February 2019.

Only used Photoshop to erase the loose ends I always hate burying. Next will be a photo of the reknit single color one with an I-cord edging. The charted instructions are done, the written ones are next.

Note that this pattern is made easier by knitting backwards to avoid turning while working the extension. It is finished by crocheting backwards for the second round being the lovely crab stitch.

Stay tuned…

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The final edit of the instructions took longer than anticipated, and of course the photos will be replaced since the two panels shown were the first actual tests of a no sew/no graft method for joining the motifs.  Would also like to use actual different colors of thread instead of painting them with Photoshop.  That choice will be made in the next few days.

Finally, the motif is my modification of the center of a Niebling doily found in Lavori Artistici A Calza Nr. 11, Model 66.  There are several other small square Nieblings that I test knitted over the years, and are suitable for similar adaptations.  Perhaps each one will be published on a monthly basis, in part because there are so many other patterns that will distract me from sticking to one topic.  One of the topics is related, as will be seen when I publish the group that for now I am calling “Hannelore And Her Sisters”.  In fact, this post is a call for test knitters for the project. Will also post about it in the coming weeks.

(Updated photo)
This not Niebling jumped ahead of the queue obviously because of the upcoming holiday, and because it deserves to not end up in the dust bin of history. As a relatively quick gift (about 8 hours to make) it would easily work on a pillow, tote bag, or T shirt, just for starters.

For purchase info Click Here.

In addition, a few even smaller patterns are probably next. Am trying to choose a final one to round out the group, all of which are small enough to fit on a greeting card, be used as Christmas tree decorations, or even necklaces. Stay tuned!


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