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Thought I would have to reconstruct the border for Version 2. However, just happened to be perusing the Burda E523 magazine and noticed the exact border around a woven circular doily! Was so happy I couldn’t wait to rechart it! Am inclined to believe that Shimmons designed both versions of the pattern as a “work for hire” but without attribution, in part because there is a small border published elsewhere that is similar to Version 2 which was attributed to her.

As for the original Lyra, didn’t realize I had removed the page for it. It’s back now! For Purchase Info: Click Here.

Finally, for sale items, to receive the discount, remember to click the Add To Cart button even if only purchasing 1 pattern.

Happy Summer Knitting All!

Sale ends July 21 12:00 midnight. Remember to click Add To Cart button even if purchasing only one pattern.

As can be seen above, the two patterns are almost identical, their charts not so much, which is why they are not combined into the same PDF.

For purchase info, click either photo.

Happy Summer Knitting!

Being way too lazy to work a pattern on every round (as in Shetland knitting), the pattern on the left was long ignored until I purchased what turns out to be a really rare French magazine (Votre Mode Tricots d’Art – Aiguilles et Crochet – Numero Special Trimestriel, published around 1931) that contains the two patterns above center and right. Most of the patterns therein are written versions (in French of course) of many classic early Nieblings, one of which named “Myrthe”, I will be recharting because the photo in the Votre Mode is more appealing than the one in Beyer Kunststricken Band 228, which contains the chart for it.

Meanwhile, since all of these single strand lace patterns are small, would love to hear from those who are brave enough to try to knit them! ;-)

Tulipier (Tulip Tree)

As can be seen from the above photo, the blossom part of “tulips” seem to be knitted in the hex mesh pattern. However, the sequence of stitches used to create the pattern is decidedly different from that which appears in all Niebling patterns that I know of. This pattern is from Le Tricot d’Art – Album 1 – Model 12, but the designer’s name is not given, and he or she is definitely not Herbert Niebling. Forgot to make a screenshot of my rechart to show that the sequences of yarn over twice, skp twice can be seen. In other words, the k2tog is completely omitted from the hex mesh part of the pattern. In addition, at the time of publication, there may have been some anti German sentiment as reflected in the fact that the knit 1, and yarn over symbols are reversed (which makes reading the original chart much fun). Also, the sk2p symbol looks like the increase 1 to 3 symbol. The skp and k2tog symbols at least slant in the appropriate direction. The knit 1 through back loop symbol is never used. Towards the end of the pattern, I incorporated the knit 1 in running thread symbol to make increases so that the stitch count matches that of the border. There was no indication of how to do this in the original instructions except to say “make an increase”. Fortunately, there were no errors in the original chart, as reflected in the stitch counts in my rechart. As for the publisher, V. Ritzenthaler, in Mulhouse-Dornach, France, they published at least 4 “Albums” which are very difficult to find, but am on the lookout, of course!

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