You are currently browsing the monthly archive for November 2012.


Would really love to see one of these hats done in bison or qiviut (since they require so little yarn).

Lace Diamond Sampler Hats - Cover of Pattern InstructionsLace Diamond Sampler Hats – See Pattern Page for Slideshow

Below are links to the pattern page, and to two websites for yarn:

Lace Diamond Sampler Hats

Bison and Silk yarns at

Qiviut Yarns at Windy Valley Musk Ox

Looking forward to seeing something in one of these yarns, plus beads!



Although it might already feel like winter, there’s still time to get in a few more holiday gifts. Myself, am stuck on a project (or two), and don’t want to hold anyone up until I’m done.

So here’s a chance to get what you didn’t get during my last sale. I think I’ll be doing these sales semi-annually.

Happy Knitting!


Hi All,

Am “stuck” on a project that am hoping to be sending to test knitters very soon.

Meanwhile, thought I’d mention two things:

1) Franciska mentioned a couple of times that, instead of double pointed needles, she uses three 16″ circular knitting needles, casting onto the first two and knitting with the third.

2) Although I read the following in Mary Thomas’ Book of Knitting Patterns many years ago, I somehow forgot to include it in the instructions for crocheting off: Instead of using a crochet hook, knit together the stitches that are supposed to be gathered into a single or double crochet; then *yarn over, pass previous stitch over yarn over, repeat from * for the number of crochet chains indicated.

Hoping the above encourages some of you who were a little uncertain about what to do instead.



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